He's One of the Good Ones
As the song goes…
He’s one of the good ones.
It may be true that as our family goes through planting and harvest seasons, I get a little sentimental. These days require long hours that mean supper away from home for Joel, and bedtime without Daddy for the boys. Gosh - I miss that man during these long days.
Just his presence in our home has a comforting affect as he provides strength and stability to our family unit. We definitely feel his absence. But - I am so proud of my farmer. He sacrifices a lot to do what he does: grow food for others.
He may not be able to make all the social gatherings or join in on all the family outings, but it’s because he is faithful to his calling. He is a farmer. He is one of the good ones. And he’s all mine. Now excuse me while I pray for rain so he can have some time off. ;) hehe