Cattle Tours 2021

Opening the gates for our first cattle tour was an amazing experience for all of us at Sasse Lake Farms. It was like a celebration of all the hard work we’ve put into growing food and creating a community around SLF these past few years. Thank you for joining us on what we hope is the first of many cattle tours to come!
To start the day, we welcomed a local homeschool group onto the farm. They learned about soil health, crops, forage, cattle health, and beef finishing while getting a chance to interact with the animals. It was especially sweet for us to watch families learning together while having a fun day on the farm. The tour finished with a cattle chute demonstration and the kids even got to take turns getting weighed! Oh, and let’s not forget the pumpkins and beef shop! Families got to shop our pumpkin patch and beef shop before leaving.
The evening tour was an open house for all ages that began with the same cattle tour. We also lit the grill and served SLF burgers around a bon fire. It was a beautiful evening filled with great one-on-one conversations and good food!
We have lots of fun plans already brewing for next spring - fall for our farm markets (beef farmer’s markets) and cattle tours! To keep up to date with our fun events, sign up for our newsletter (through the pop-up window on this website) and/or watch our Facebook page.
Till then, you are welcome to come out to the farm year round to shop our black angus beef. We always have meat in stock and love having visitors out for a chat.